
dinsdag 30 april 2013

Stash Busting Project 2013: April Project

I've worked hard this April getting my blanket "finished". Last Sunday I attached  the last hexagon. And here it is!

It is a small blanket and hopefully will measure about 1.50 meters x 1.50 meters after attaching the border.
I have made 122 hexagons and used 9 different colours. I have no clue how many balls are in this project but I know I have used almost four balls of navy blue!

I think it is absolutely beautiful, I am so pleased! The border will have the same colours as the flowers and the last round of the hexagons. I will alternate the colours to make a multi-stripe border.

What amount did I bust this month? The blanket itself weighs a little bit over a kilo (1000 grams). I have 400 grams left for the border.

I started April with a Stash of almost 17 kilos, and right now it is almost 16 kilos!

I am hoping to bust even more in May :)

P.S. I am linking this up to a couple of parties, but for those of you who want to have a go with the flowers, here is the pattern (on a Flickr group)!

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh it's so pretty! I can't wait to see it with the border! Your stash busting has gone really well this month :)

    1. Thanks Elisabeth! I was quite surprised last Sunday that I had been able to complete all the hexagons this month!

  2. Beautiful looks great without border!

  3. It's beautiful Barbara, so much work has gone into it and the colours are gorgeous, well done on busting so much stash this month:)

    1. Thank you Linda! Your and Ana's project is being really helpful in setting goals!

  4. Lovely blanket!! You have chosen very beautiful color combinations !:)

  5. It is absolutely beautiful and you're right to love it, it's superb! It's so satisfying to get crochet afghans finished and this one is a real beauty, you've selected your colours beautifully. I am still working away at night on my puff flower afghan!

    1. Thank you Esther! I will be very happy once it is finished :) good luck with your puff flower blocks!

  6. Wowwwww what fabulous colours you are working in, I would love to see that on my bed on a cold winters night; or in my lounge. It is simply stunning. Cheers Glenda

  7. I really like your afghan ! It is a real pretty pattern wish I could crochet like this but I have only learned the granny square!!

    1. Thank you jjthor, just keep on practicing you will get there! You can make absolute stunning afghans with just a granny square motif, have you checked out Attic 24?

  8. Your crochet African Flower Blanket is absolutely beautiful... Hugs Judy

  9. It's gorgeous! Thanks so much for linking up on Hookin On Hump Day!

    1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

    2. Thank you for hosting the link party Tamara! Always a pleasure :)


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