
dinsdag 30 april 2013

In Case You Were Wondering....

When I mentioned the blanket was "finished", I literally meant "finished".

I failed to show you the back of the blanket...

Deep breath... Are you ready? I am trying to keep my sanity while looking at the pictures!

I do not need to weave in all ends. Some flowers are really finished. Phew :)

But this is the job I absolutely hate the most.

Breathe in, breathe out. I can do this!!!

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes, that is definitely the most annoying job! I usually try to weave in as I go, and now I use a great technique I found on Le Monde de Sucrette ( and weave in all ends with the crochet hook!

    1. Ana, thank you for the link! I will definitely try it! I did crochet over some ends with these flowers, but the yarn is a bit slippery and is popping out of some places. I try to secure them with the method you linked!

  2. I think we all hate this part, I always finish them off as I go. :)

    1. I always start with finishing them off as I go, but somewhere during the project I get lazy... :)

  3. That is the worst part of any and all projects! I've made a few granny square type afghans and hated all the left overs. But I did finish them all and was so overjoyed at how beautiful the piece was! It will be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen when all the threads are tied off. Enjoy the tying times ahead!!! Hahahaha! Betty Radcliffe


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