
zondag 7 februari 2016

February Link Party #1

Goedemorgen! Een beetje later dan anders, maar we hadden gisteren een feestje (vanmiddag lees je daar meer over).

Wie heeft de meeste kliks gekregen in Januari? Ik ben benieuwd!


Good morning? A little bit later than usual, but we had a party yesterday (you will read all about it this afternoon).

Who got the most clicks in January? Let's find out!


The top 3 most clicked links:

Number 1

Kat is still continuing with her big big granny square: click!

Number 2

Number 3

Mie knitted a scarf out of this beautiful beautiful Noro lace: Stunning!

Doe je weer mee? Lijkt me super!

Are you linking up again? Show me your projects!

~ Follow me on Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram for more inspiration! ~  

2 opmerkingen:

I would love it if you leave a comment! Thank you so much for visiting xXx