
zaterdag 16 mei 2015

Busy Fingers Showing Off! #90

Nummer 90...
Ik ben er stil van... Al 90 weken post ik iedere week de link party! Natuurlijk ga ik gewoon door, en jeetje over 10 weken is het alweer nummer 100!!!

Heel veel plezier deze week! Laat vooral lekker veel kleurrijks zien!


Number 90....
I am flabbergasted... For 90 weeks I am posting this weekly link up! Ofcourse I will continue, because I still love it, and wow in 10 weeks we will be hitting number 100!!!

Have fun and show me lots of colourful things!


Thank you so much for linking up!! You will be featured on all my social media and pinned on Pinterest!
Don't forget to share, the more link ups, the merrier the party will be!
~ Follow me on Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Pinterest ~

6 opmerkingen:

  1. …. sorry Barbara, but it's not possible to link up!!!! ;oD
    xxxxx Ale

  2. Hi Barbara! It's a great honor for me!
    Your Link party is closed...?

  3. Hi Barbara, many thanks for your great link party! I'm taking part for the first time today, woohoo :-). Sunny greetings from your new follower Nata


I would love it if you leave a comment! Thank you so much for visiting xXx