
zaterdag 1 november 2014

Busy Fingers Showing Off!! #66

Here we are again! It's Saturday, Link Party day!

Here are last weeks most clicked links:

Number 1

Scarf with pattern @ Haak & Maak

Number 2

Yummy nut cake recipe @ Fie bakt, haakt en naait

Number 3

Superawesome recycle project!! @ Moois van M(i)e

Thanks for linking up!!! You got my attention :) I have a few old jeans in the attic and I have a soft spot for nutty cake!!

See you next time and have fun with the new link party!
Don't forget to share, the more link ups, the merrier the party will be. Thanks in advance!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. dank je wel ! ( ik vind het zelf een overheerlijk kussen, er komen er zeker nog ! )

  2. Hi Barbara!!!!!
    I wish you a happy weekend, xxxx Ale

  3. I'm so busy I don't have much time to experiment and write tutorials. Thank God, it's Sunday and I have spare time to the fullest! Finally, I managed to create something. Have a nice Sunday! Thanks for the party. Regula


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