
donderdag 13 februari 2014

Busy Fingers Showing Off!! #34

Oh my gosh, there were so many link ups last week!!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and clicking on the participants!

Lots of views and lots of clicks, I am so happy that you were visited!

Here is the top 3 most clicked projects from last week:

Number 1

Very very colourful pillow case made by Fie @ Fie bakt, haakt en naait!

Number 2


Another version of the 2014 Dutch CAL blanket made by Fie @ Fie bakt, haakt en naait!

Number 3


Blanket from the book "Haken en Kleur" made by Leen @ Vrolijk by Leen

I want to thank you all for participating!
Dank je wel voor het meedoen, het was super om alle projecten te bekijken.

Do you want to share what you have made? Please join the link party! You can get a feature next week over here on the blog and you will also be featured on Pinterest.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Dank je wel voor de eervolle erkenning. Ik ga vlug weer iets bij je linken! MERCI!

  2. Leuk dat we hier kunnen linken en inspiratie opdoen :)!

  3. oooh love these! Im trying one of those crochet blankets and really enjoying it! Keep these link ups coming! ;)


I would love it if you leave a comment! Thank you so much for visiting xXx