
zondag 27 oktober 2013

Unexpected Events

I wished for a nice relaxed Autumn vacation, and for the biggest part it worked out like I wished.
We went to a play forest and petting zoo on Tuesday, and to a big zoo on Wednesday. The rest of the week was filled with lounging on the couch, loads of laundry, playing outside, working in the garden, writing on my new feature, and decluttering and getting rid of a lot of stuff. Our house is getting more and more tidy.
Unfortunately (and that is why I am keeping this post short) bad news arrived from school. One of my dear colleagues had a stroke in the first weekend of the vacation and passed away on Tuesday. I don't know what is going to happen next week, but it will be a very strange week.
And yesterday more sad news came our way. Big Man's grandfather, Pépé, had a severe stroke, and was found by his partner at home. He is conscious, but we don't know how he is doing and what the effects of the stroke will be. I am hoping and wishing for a few good years for him....
I hope I will have some good news somewhere next week..
Enjoy your Sunday and cuddle your loved ones!


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