
donderdag 10 oktober 2013

Busy Fingers Showing Off! #18

Temperatures are dropping and I am crocheting like mad! Do you feel the same? I want all winter accessories done haha! I am oozing with creativity at the moment and it is fun to see what you are all doing :) Lots of fun!

Here is the top 3 from last week's Link Party

Number 1 AND number 3


A little bunny and an alternative border to the famous South Bay Shawlette by Renate @ Renate's haken enzo

Number 2


Beady earrings made by Mie @ Moois van M(i)e

And I do not want to stop here, because when I headed over to Mie's blog and saw the other things she had made my jaw dropped to the floor by this picture:


Isn't it pretty?????

 Want to get featured to0? Link up your pretties in the Link Party below!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Hallo Barbara, Dank je wel (alweer)!! Niet alleen dat mijn omslagdoek en konijntje "in the picture" staan, maar ook voor het organiseren van de Link Party!!
    Groetjes van Renate

    1. Oeps, ik lees je reactie op mijn blog nu pas. Ik heb het dus weer gedaan.... Zal volgende keer alleen de link van de blog gebruiken.
      Groetjes van Renate

  2. dank je wel ! 2 foto's zelfs ! ik voel me vereerd!

  3. I'm very pleased with my Pink Delight. :-) It's my constant compaginion while watching a movie. Thanks for hosting the party.


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