
dinsdag 3 september 2013

Happy New Year!

This will probably sound a bit strange, but yesterday I wished lots of people a very very Happy New Year.

The new school year started with meetings, meetings, meetings and lots of vacation stories. It was wonderful to see all of my colleagues again. It always feels like home returning after the summer vacation. Lots of smiles and laughter, lots of happy faces, it was such a joyful day!

My first teaching day is this Friday and from that day until summer 2014 will make life a little more hectic (that is a bit of an understatement actually) but I think all will be well.

Since I have sorted all of my papers I absolutely do not have to worry about having a shortage in teaching materials. While sorting I found lots of fun assessments, reading material, tests etc. I am very looking forward in using all of my materials, adding a little "schwung" to teaching this year.

Unfortunately, after six weeks of having "all" the time of the world for crocheting and knitting I know I have to reorganize my spare time, but for the first time in months/years, I am very much okay about it. No worries, no stress! I am already sorting out yarn and thinking about perfect projects for crocheting on the go. 

Everything will be okay. Friday will be my first day of teaching, meeting lots of new, but also very familiar faces in my classroom. I am very much looking forward to it!

Have a great day!

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