
woensdag 28 augustus 2013

Wedding Bells

Today is the day my little sister is getting married! I hope she and her hubby-to-be will have a superb day, with lots of laughter and pleasure.

I made two handkerchiefs, one for him (which has the wedding date on it) and one for her (with a crocheted shell border). I am really pleased with the outcome. The only request I got was to give it a purple theme, I happily obliged to that. Purple is such a lovely colour!

So while you are reading this post, I am possibly getting ready for the big event, helping my sister in her gown and enjoying the whole feast!

Have a great day!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Congratulations to your sister!! Lovely handkerchiefs :)

  2. Hope you enjoy such a special day! Very best wishes to all your family.

  3. It was such a wonderful day, the weather was beautiful and the company was amazing!


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