
zondag 23 juni 2013

Let's Get It On..

This is what I thought when I walked into the garden last Thursday Morning..

Little Man and I looked at eachother and thought: "What? What is that?"

A very loving couple needed some candlelight, sweet music and maybe some privacy..

I had never seen this before!


Maybe it is a bit too personal, but the "love-arrow" they exchange is very clear to see.

Really awesome. Little Man was also very much intrigued and he now knows we are going to have some baby snails in the near future!

After half an hour they went on seperate ways, gliding each to their own destiny.


Mommy-to-be with the "love-arrow" stuck to her side...


And Daddy-to-be clearly in need of something to nibble on.

I love the way our garden is so full of animals and how they show their own habits!! 

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Zo grappig, ik zag dit een paar weken geleden ook in m'n tuin gebeuren. Je wéét wat er gebeurt (nóg meer slakken straks) maar ik kon het toch ook niet over m'n hart verkrijgen ze ruw te verstoren hihi!

    1. Nog meer slakken vind ik ook niet leuk, maar tot nu toe vind ik het prima :) zolang ze maar niet in mijn appelboom klimmen!

  2. Lovely! I hope to see little snails soon!

    1. I hope so! I know where they hide so I will keep an eye on them.

  3. I can't call that cute, but it was something I had never seen in my 63 years. love Carol

    1. Haha! I hope you enjoyed this new little piece of knowledge!

  4. Love is all around. That's a good thing!


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