
vrijdag 8 juni 2012

Pattern: Daisy Doll Blanket Square

UPDATE 11 february 2013: there was a mistake in the pattern, but is both fixed in the photo tutorial and a new PDF version is available!
UPDATE April 7th 2013: An error slipped into round 4, dc stitches made after the (dc 2 times into next st, ch2, dc 2 times into next st) were not incorporated in the pattern. PDF file is updated!

I promised you a pattern, so here it is! I will try to give you both a photo tutorial and a written pattern. It is my first time doing a photo tutorial so hopefully you will see every stitch I have done! If this works out right I will try to include a "How to crochet" course to this blog. I am very excited about it!

*Click here for the printerfriendly version!*

So, here we go. Are you ready?

You will need:
Yarn of your choice, three colours for each block. I used yellow for the heart, white for the leaves and either pink or red for the border(s)
Hook size appropriate for the yarn

I used a sportweight yarn with hook size 3.5 mm. As I crochet very loose, I would strongly advice you to go up one or two sizes. Or change yarn. For example, you could use a worsted weight yarn with hook size 4 mm. That is about average for an afghan square. I downsized because I wanted the blanket to be smaller and to use it in a doll bassinet. You can see more of the blanket over here.

Special stitches in this pattern:
Starting bobble stitch: Yoh, insert hook in st, yoh, pull through st, you, pull through 2 loops (2 loops on hook), yoh, insert hook in same st, yoh and pull through st, yoh and pull through 2 loops hook (3 loops on hook), yoh and draw through all loops on hook. Ch1 to close starting bobble stitch.

Bobble stitch:  Yoh,insert hook in st, yoh, pull through st, yoh, pull through 2 loops (2 loops on hook), yoh, insert hook in the samest, yoh and pull through st, yoh and pull through 2 loops hook (3 loops on hook), yoh, insert hook in same st, yoh and pull through st, yoh and pull through 2 loops on hook (4 loops on hook), yoh and draw through all loops on hook. Ch 1 to close bobble stitch

Take your hook and your first colour:

Ch4, sl st to close

Round 1: Ch3 (counts as a dc), dc 7 times into ring, sl st to top ch of ch3 to close round. (8 dc). Fasten off colour.

Pull through new colour.

Start round two.


Round 2: Ch2, starting bobble st, bobble st one more time into same st. Bobble st twice in each dc, sl st in top of dc next to ch2 to close round. (16 bobble st). Fasten off colour. Note: in the pictures above I show a normal bobble st. See special stitches for the starting bobble stitch.

Pull through new colour for both round three and four.

Round 3: Ch3, dc 2 times in first sp between bobbles. Dc 3 times in each sp between bobbles. Sl st in top ch of ch3 to close round (16  3dc groups). 

Round 4: Ch1, sc in same st, sc in next st, hdc in next two st, dc in next st,[ dc two times in next st, ch2, dc two times into next st, dc in next st, hdc in next two st, sc in next four st, hdc in next two st, dc in next st] repeat between [] two more times, dc two times in next st, ch2, dc two times into next st, dc in next st, hdc in next two st, sc in last two st. Sl st to first sc to close round. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Ta-dah! Now make as many as you want and stitch them together in the way you want!
For dealing with all those ends with different colours I always crochet over the ends while stitching. The remaining short end I weave in. You can find a tutorial over here
It really cuts down the amount of ends you need to weave in.

I also made a PDF file that is published here and on Ravelry. See what you like to use for making these sunny happy blocks!

I used these blocks for my Daisy Doll Blanket as shown here, Little Lady loves it very much! 

This pattern has been featured on Hookin' on Hump Day, hosted by Moogly and My Merry Messy Life!


12 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm trying my best to follow this - it's my first attempt but I can't get my squares square! Are you using uk or us terms?

  2. Hi Katy, I am using US terms! I hope this will help you. The squares will get their perfect square shape once assembled. Just follow the last round blindly :) Can you tell what you think what went wrong?

  3. I am following as uk terms! so that could be part of the problem. On round 3 amm I supposed to chain 3 each time or just dc 2 times into each space? I have tried both and think it's just the dc bit that's repeated. Thank you for your help.

  4. O dear. That is a big fat mistake I made! It should be: "Ch3, dc 2 times in first sp between bobbles, dc 3 times in each sp between bobbles"
    Off to put the errata in the post and on Ravelry...
    Thanks for pointing me to it!

  5. I love this! Great tutorial. The blanket is gorgeous as well. I'm pinning this so I can use it in the future! Thanks for sharing at Hookin on Hump Day!

  6. Are you chaining between the bobbles in round 2?

    1. Hi Amy, yes I did. It is mentioned in the special stitch description at the top of the post. Please do give it a look, I think it will clarify a lot.

  7. I tried to view the PDF file but it wouldn't let me. Does anyone know how to access it?

  8. Hi Stephanie,
    I don't know what happened but I think there was a glitch! You should be able to view and download the file from now on.
    I am very sorry for the inconvenience.
    Have fun!

  9. Hi, I love this, I made squares of crochet, visit my blog,
    Hugs from Brazil.

  10. Ik vind het patroon prachtig en heb het geprobeerd (beginnend haakster), maar kom er niet uit. Heb je het ook ergens in het Nederlands staan, misschien helpt dat? Ik struikel over de bobblestich. Ik heb je tutorial over de bobblestich bekeken, maar die ziet er heel anders uit! Daar zie je streepjes, en hier in het patroon zie je het stokjespatroon.
    Kan je me verder helpen?


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