
zondag 13 mei 2012

Mother's Day

It has been a beautiful summery day today, and the weather was just perfect for Mother's Day. I had been waiting for two weeks to open Little Man's gift from school (it came home with him the last day before May holidays) and luckily only a few days to open the gift the babysitter made with both Little Man and Little Lady.

The day started out like a normal Sunday. Cozy on the couch, coffee for me, apple slices and cuddling with the blankets for the kids while enjoying the Sunday programs on tv.

I also got some hooky time and I am happy to tell you I am almost done with the prayer shawl for my mother-in-law. Hopefully, I will get some time next week to do the last row, write up the pattern, block the shawl and make some pretty pictures. This pattern will be free for all to use!

This is the present I got from both kids. Isn't it cute? It is a bracelet with hand and feet from both. It is made from the stuff you put in the oven and then it shrinks. I think it is utterly beautiful! On each hand or foot is written who did the coloring.

After two weeks I was finally opening up the envelope that Little Man took home on the last day before May holidays. And in it was a very very handsome picture taken by his teacher. It is so Little Man! It is standing with the rest of our pictures, and I am very proud of him.

Mother's Day is of course also a bit for the grandmothers. I got Little Man to trace his hand and I painted Little Lady's hand (under protest) red and made a nice print of it. Gave them some pencils and this is the piece of art they made! Grandma (my mother) was very pleased with it.

Hopefully everyone of you has had a nice Mother's Day!

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